Thursday, June 7, 2007

stones update.03

i had my procedure today at st. joseph's hospital to remove the stone in my right kidney. we arrived around 0530am. after a brief admission process, where i had to pay $300 out-of-pocket for my insurace, we went to the pre-ops department. there i was given my IV (hurts!) and put on my hospital gown.

after a few minutes, i was wheeled into the operating room/floor, asked a few more questions, met my doctor and waited for the anestistiologist. the last thing i remembered was talking to the nurses while being given anestetia then apparently i zonked out immediately.

woke up after about an hour and was told the procedure went well and the stone was successfully removed. we stayed in the hospital for another hour and was discharged. we went to cvs to get my prescription. garet drove me home (great driving honey!). at 1215pm we were home. taking a leak is a pain, but manageable. i finally gave in around 10pm and took one pill to numb the pain.

all in all it was a pleasant experience. the staff was very professional and easy to talk to and their process was flawless, unlike the horror that is banner good samaritan hospital.

btw, i received a survey form/letter from banner hospital to get comments on my emergency visit last may 21st. i put in: "i would rather die, than go back to your emergency department", it was that bad an experience.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we wish you well...

take care!