so it's the 24th and we get our paystubs in the mail (payday is the 25th). i was kinda bummed out because i was expecting extra for the pager duty i had last month, i guess it's going to be on next months pay.
so it's the 24th and we get our paystubs in the mail (payday is the 25th). i was kinda bummed out because i was expecting extra for the pager duty i had last month, i guess it's going to be on next months pay.
ni: apee noong 1/24/2008 10:43:00 AM 1 reaksyon
ni: apee noong 1/19/2008 04:55:00 AM 0 reaksyon
i signed up for google analytics to know from where my visitors are coming from. it is a great application for anyone with a site/blog, especially if you have a ton of traffic. here is my stats so far:
click to enlarge.
i can undertand the traffic from phi, usa, sweden (probably me), switzerland (jean) and mexico (naida). but i don't think i know anybody from finland and japan.
btw, the highest one day traffic was a whopping...... 9 visitors.
thanks for visiting!
update: it turns out that the finland visits is also me. apparently, our network in the office goes through findland. i guess i do not know anyone from there after all.
ni: apee noong 1/17/2008 07:37:00 AM 1 reaksyon
landlord/officemate N and his family decided to go to Vaxholms, an archipelago in the outskirts of Stockhom (i'm guessing). it was a beautiful sunny day but the wind was a killer, it was cold maybe because of the lakes in the area. here are the pix:
the port where the tourist boats dock.
"i'll get you donald"
quack, quack, quack
the moby dick restaurant.
some random roof/tower
chocolate covered pigs. aaaw.
hotdog & hamburger. see, swedish is easy!
the view of the docks from the parking area.
ni: apee noong 1/13/2008 01:16:00 PM 0 reaksyon
woohoo! based our on annual salary ($), my family is number 48,545,599 in the global rich list.
considering there are billions in this planet, being in the top 50 million is ok on my book!
ni: apee noong 1/12/2008 02:13:00 AM 0 reaksyon
here are other pictures of the day trip to gripholms castle.
the town across the lake
gripholms slott
nice building
"they went that way!"
the pastry shop
wall sconce
the view from the pastry shop
the yellow building beside the parking lot
cute stores
ni: apee noong 1/05/2008 09:07:00 AM 0 reaksyon
since landlord/officemate N has completed the registration of his import car on friday, he was itching for a long drive. so along with his wife C and their daughter AC, we went to the Gripsholms slott (castle). it was a 45 minute drive further south of stockholm.
it was a smooth drive but the weather got nasty as the winds started blowing hard. we arrived early, about 15 minutes before the tour of the inside was to start. since AC was fussing because she was teething, we just scrapped the inside tour and headed home. besides, cameras were not allowed inside, so there was no point going in (for me at least).
the castle gates
the grounds
dragon cannons
the inner courtyard
iron work on the well
the obligatory "i was there" pix (nice shot by N)
the dungeon
view from outside the castle walls
view from the drawbridge
ni: apee noong 1/05/2008 08:46:00 AM 0 reaksyon